صفحه شخصی مرضیه پورمجیدی   
نام و نام خانوادگی: مرضیه پورمجیدی
استان: آذربایجان غربی - شهرستان: ارومیه
رشته: کارشناسی ارشد معماری
شغل:  نمایندگی فروش نرم افزار سازه 90 -سازه نگار آذربایجانغربی
شماره نظام مهندسی:  141001515
تاریخ عضویت:  1388/12/21
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Abandoned Hobbiton from - Lord Of The Rings - taken over by sheep

The Lord of the Rings movies are well known all over the world, and so is the village Hobbiton where the Hobbits in the trilogy were living.The beautiful little houses surrounded by amazing nature were located in Matamata in New Zealand during filming, and they still are.
Now the Hobbit houses are used by a farm nearby. More precisely their sheep have moved into the village where they are using the hobbit houses. Nowadays you can get a tour around in Hobbiton to see the famous Hobbit cabins and also pet the lambs.
Speaking of sheep, in Scotland a farmer has painted his sheep in bright colors to “spice things up”.

یکشنبه 31 مرداد 1389 ساعت 10:46  
قاسم اکبری 22:15 یکشنبه 31 مرداد 1389
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شادین امانی 10:39 دوشنبه 1 شهریور 1389
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حمید رضا حاجاتی 11:56 دوشنبه 1 شهریور 1389
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رضا چراغی 16:36 آدینه 5 شهریور 1389
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